It's been 3 days already, it's time for another unpopular opinion thread

What did I just read?

You're objecting to someone saying that they don't find black people attractive. That's perfectly sound, but let's see how you do it.

And there is one thing black people indeed can't have, which is a look reminiscent of raw chicken as it rots away in a meat department fridge, or dough that's been undercooked. I guess they really are inferior, or something.

That's perfect reasoning right there. Since saying black people aren't attractive isn't a good thing to do, then must be perfectly fine to say white people aren't attractive. There's definitely no inconsistency or hypocrisy there.

I understand most of you won't care about this, but I found it funny at least.
(black => unattractive) <=> bad
(~black => unattractive) <=> ~bad  
Yup, these two statements are definitely equivalent.

Then again, I'm a female white person, so this is probably because biotruths and my uterus doing my thinking for me and wanting to be "impregnated" by a healthy aggressive male or whatever.

I've seen weird racists on the internet, and I've probably seen them say nearly that exact statement before, but what did you just do here? You just tried to stereotype some guy who said something mildly stupid with an incredibly racist and idiotic idea. Again, how are you supporting your argument if you only use the same fallacies that you were trying to show were false?

We all know when these users whip this shit out, what they mean is that black women scare them.

Honestly, this was some utterly bizarre bullshit that you pulled out. I have never once met a single person who's ever felt threatened by black females, and I've never once seen someone even say that idea. Is it honestly against your expectations that people of different colors or different genders actually can get along?

All in all, I'm pretty sure you meant to post to /r/ShitRedditSays.

Then again, I'm a male white person, so this is all probably racism and me failing to check my privilege.

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