How will reddit explain Sander's epic loss? You know how.

... are you kidding me? Hahahahaha Hillary was so involved in her husband's presidency that it was said that nothing he did he did without her approval.

Proof, not words.

Im not going to read 3 different articles. Use your words.

I'm not going to believe you, use sources.

See above. Use words. Quote specific text. Headlines aren't gonna cut it and I'm not gonna sit here and read 3 different articles.

I'm.not going to believe without evidence. I brought mine.

Bernie supported it in the 70s. Hillary opposed it until 2013.

My proof says he didn't; you have none.

In the 60s Hillary was campaigning with Goldwater to bring back segregation while Bernie was getting arrested at civil rights protests.

Clinton organized a desegregation protest after MLK was shot.

Proof, not words.

Hillary supports the war on drugs which disproportionately effects minorities.

Sanders opposes affirmative action, which helps minorities and women

I could go on.

Talking out your ass? Yes.

To be honest, I don't actually know much about his immigration policy.

Not shocking at all; sanders supporters don't care much at all about the poor outside of America.

Wait...are you attempting to say he's a pro lifer because he said something bad about planned parenthood? Hahaha

I'm saying he opposes the most pro-choice organization on the Planet.

I wouldn't call Hillary a tea bagger but she did push the otherness movement which her supporters turned into the birther movement, so there is that.

Bernie supporters have done far sorse than ask about a birth certificate.

Did i mention how Hillary did nothing when she was on the board at Wal-Mart when they attacked the workers unions?

Being one of several hundred people doesn't grant you much power; funny hownpeople bring up her walmart hidtory and flip flop between "she was useless" and "powerful crony".

Ever if Bernie did hurt planned parenthoods feelings. Hahaha

This is partly why women and black people have rejected your Messiah.

You lost; you can suck sanders off all day but he will never touch the oval office. Thank god.

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