/r/politics and /r/SandersForPresident is beyond salty that Bernie Sanders has lost the Nevada Primary

Lol seriously you can't even read? They aren't internet and college polls they are national responder polls conducted by phone.

A few are nationalmpolls and even fewer are phone banks; neither of which is actually demonstrable to anything, especially when Sanders lead is most often 1-3 points (by polls, nkt votes, not delegates). Meanwhile Clinton has a hundred times more delegates, way more super delegates, and beat Sanders state by state caucus. Before Super Tuesday even.

Again not true Sander was behind in every Iowa poll bar 2 and behind in poll aggregates for Iowa + predicted to lose by 538, he is predicted to win all the states I mentioned by 10%+ by 538.

The same polls that put him leading Clinton no less, except for two; you're quickly finding out how useless cherry picking your polls are. Berniebots can.only spam huffpo polls and phone ba lnks apparently; no such luck getting off your asses to vote.

The only times I have seen anyone use the term c**t on r/sandersforpres they were at minus 80 karma score and all the comments were telling them that sexist language was not ok.

Just last week there was a +1300 comment calling Hilary a cunt; it was all over SRD.

Nah they don't the occasional weirdo does, Sanders supporters who won't vote for Clinton are talking about voting Green or waiting for a Warren run.

The majority in that sub are occasional weirdos I guess. Waiting for Warren in 2020; what did I say about bernie voters being trendy fair-weather types who only vote every 4 years for the new Messiah?

You'd rather vote 3rd party and split the vote in favor of Republicans; berniebros truly want Trump to win.

Literally a fact apparently = strawman.

No etymology dictionary is going to back your "fact".

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