Benefits of Escorts

This is a shitpost, how you can actually justify your buyer's remorse as a field report is beyond me.

The reason you were repulsed is that these women were actual whores, with a higher N count than you could pay for.

Yes this is a site about sexual strategy for the modern man, no that does not mean that this site is focused on sex. It's about understanding relationships and women and getting the most out of it, you will never have, and even if you did we wouldn't support it, a relationship with a whore.

habits necessary to recognize the transactional nature

This is untrue, you've understood nothing, you just loosely know women=effort, it's fine if you want to focus on your acreer more than the dating game, and if you wanna get whores, but don't actually make posts about it here.

we want out of a relationship and nothing unwanted.

This is not a human relationship, as such you are literally fucking whores and paying them money. This is not a healthy attitude to have towards life either, relationships, with anyone not just women, are a two way street, you both have to give and you both have to recieve, with an actual whore yes you are giving her money for sex, but this is not a relationship because it ends the moment you have sex, any whore who would try to marry or love you, is likely only doing so as a conditioned response for survival, and the fact she wants to leave the CC.

her out of your mind with an escort.

This is shit advice for dealing with oneitis, deal with it by focusing on yourself not the woman, and forgetting about her.

Shopping around to find out what you really like

Low SMV, anyone with high SMV can easily vet their partners.

Safe sex

Jesus Christ, if you want to wear a condom just wear it for godsakes, what does this have to do with whores?

You're just trying to justify almost 2 decades worth of money wasted on whores.

/r/TheRedPill Thread