Bernie Sanders Says Trump Won Because Democrats Are Out Of Touch

Yes, I got that part. The point I'm making is that I, and many others, desire to have a fully socialized healthcare delivery system. I actively do not want a multi-payer system and will fight it just as much as I fight the health "insurance" scam that exists in the US.

If you disagree then this puts us in two separate arenas of thought. We can compromise and work out the details of a socialized healthcare system where you go to the doctor and the money part doesn't come up. I'm glad to iron out the kinks with other leftists.

The problem is that if we don't agree with the basic principals that I outlined in my other post, then we can never move to step 2 which is ironing out a plan. The only option becomes for my idea to win and yours to lose.

And in America at least, there's at least 50% of the democratic party that is actively anti single-payer. This is the supposed left-wing party. Combined with the 100% of the Republican party that controls all aspects of government that is opposed to this, well, you see the uphill battle.

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