So Bernie wants to "clean up" the Democratic Party...

But what you are mostly not understanding about this subreddit, it's a place for shitposting. It's satire, quality snarkTM and not meant to be completely taken at face value. But I'm sure you knew that, why else come here, but for shits and giggles.

You people are ruining EnoughTrumpSpam with your garbage. I wouldn't know about this place if it weren't for that.

I will always shit on icky liberals, their concern about Islamophobia is only ever to serve their own interests. Clinton couldn't even look the Muslim lady in the eye at the debates and talk about Islamophobia without talking about terrorism. The liberal bullshit about how we are welcome but only if we 'love' America and that we are not terrorists but great informants of terrorists in our 'community' is just another side of the coin to regular Islamophobia.

This is what I'm talking about :

No!! We are not your eyes and ears. Not "part of your Homeland Security". Go away with that.

/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam Thread Parent