besides MLVF, Neumann and obviously Jung, who's your favorite Jungian analyst?

Engleski Jung je definitivno bio ubjedjen da tipske razlike medju ljudima igraiu ogromnu ulogu oko razumievanja i percipiranja stvari. Mozda sam ja osobno vise sklon naucnoj sistematizaciji i logici dok neki drugi poetsko umjetnickoj ekspresiji. Ja sam to vidio kod zenskih citaoca Jungovih radova, definitivno im je naporno citati Psych.dementia praecox, Studie Word Associations, Dynamic Unconsc..etc. Oni vise preferiraju naci i citati nesto oko Alhemije, Religije, Procese Individuacije, Astrology, Work with Animus and Shadow..etc.

Mislim da je tu tacka oko koje se mnogi citatelji razilaze i ne slazu. Jung was definitely convinced that type differences between people play a huge role in understanding and perceiving things. Perhaps I personally am more inclined to scientific systematization and logic, while others are more inclined to poetic artistic expression. I have seen it with female readers of Jung's works, it is definitely hard for them to read Psych.dementia praecox, Studie Word Associations, Dynamic Unconsc..etc. They prefer to find and read something about Alchemy, Religion, Processes of Individuation, Astrology, Work with Animus and Shadow..etc.

I think there is a point on which many readers differ and disagree.

/r/Jung Thread Parent