I'm being watched. No, really. Please help.

1) read the untethered soul by Michael Singer 2) Check out Dr. Joe Dispenza on YouTube 3) continue to work with professionals 4) hold yourself accountable to your actions. If you’re seeking information, you will find it even if it’s not fact. That’s how the human mind works. 5) work on becoming secure in your own security. Get an alarm system. 6) stop writing your notes digitally 7) get a VPN 8) stop reading anything written by this news outlet. 9) Don’t ask for help and then immediately disagree with people trying to help you if it doesn’t align to your views. If anything, this would be the indicator that you’re not open to anything but your own version. It would make it nearly impossible for a professional to help you if you immediately shut them down for discussing options you don’t like. They are the professionals, let them do their job and do what they tell you. Even if you disagree.

I’m not a professional, nor is this medical advice. Just my perception. Evidence of anything can be found if you don’t use scientific principals to verify them.

If you’re that convinced, hire a private detective. Let them know you believe you’re being watched. Do not provide them with your evidence though. Let them find anything on their own. Bad data in, bad data out.

/r/Jung Thread