Best reading material hands down?


None of the books or guides below work, unless you put them to use and start approaching multiple women everyday.
Two books or PUA may suggest conflicting ways of meeting women. That's okay, this is not a natural science branch. They both work in practice. Logic does not. Don't try to read everything in order to feel "ready" before going out. Read a chapter and go out to talk to strangers, come back and read another chapter. That is the only way these will work.The game is 1% books and 99% approaches.

All About Women - Giuseppe Notte : This book is helpful in reprogramming your opinions and values about men, women, what we want and what they want. Don't count on it for techniques though. Use for day game.

Double Your Dating - David DeAngelo : David DeAngelo's phenomenal book and viewpoint helps reprogram your values about attraction, and guides you in the right way to develop a cocky and funny personality that attracts women without having the good looks that you thought was required. This works in both day game, and bar game, additionally on the internet. Also his longer and more comprehensive book: "Attraction Isn't A Choice"

Models - Mark Manson Mark Manson's book is for the experienced PUA who has gone through routines and canned lines but couldn't make them work for him. He reprograms your mind about men, women and attraction; then goes on to explain his way of honestly and directly approaching women. I suggest you use this for day game. His modest way suggests that you can attract only a very small percentage of women you meet , and that's okay (Which is, not)

Attraction Code - Vin DiCarlo: Vin DiCarlo is the author of "The Pandora's Box" ; the system that lets you categorize women into 8 easily recognized and dealt with types, and identify your type, and target your demographic only. Attraction Code is his honest and direct way of attracting women. This deals with day game more so than bar game.

Mystery Method - Mystery : Mystery is one of the creators of the commercial PUA training. His "Method" is an analytical way, an algorithm with clearly defined steps that provides canned lines, routines, stories and lines which help you meet and attract groups of women at bars and nightclubs. He had a reality show where actors who weren't what they claimed to be pretended to be hopeless nice guys. His method is solid, but many women in USA and the UK might have seen the show or heard the lines.

The Game - Styles aka Neil Strauss : The bald wallflower who started the PUA style himself. Close friends with Mystery. His book "The Rules of the Game" and his Style Life Challenge system teach things in more detail. Famous user of the esoteric arts and cold reading in attraction. He is bald, not very good looking, and has slept with countless beautiful women that you can't even imagine talking to.

Magic Bullets - Nick Savoy : Nick used to manage the company they started with Mystery, and his method is an advanced and updated version of the Mystery Method. His book is very big and useful; as in it will reprogram your way of thinking for a few chapters. Very useful information and insight there. Like all of these books, it is more of a reference book than a novel. You will have to come back to it later multiple times. The first few chapters will change the belief systems of many nice guys out there, and women as well. Mostly for bars, it is pretty scientific.

How to Meet and Connect with Women - Wayne Elise : Down to earth natural game. Not very scientific like the previous two books.

Additional Resources:

Steve Celeste (Toecutter) - Palmistry : A way of using palm reading for seduction
The Cube: A relational psychology game that lets you cold read women you have just met in a fun way.
Style Life Academy - Cold Reading Handbook: VERY USEFUL little guide for different types of cold reading including the finger game, heart game, tarot et cetera..

Audio or Video Resources:

David DeAngelo Audio Series: There are about 10 series, each of which consisting of a few DVDs or 5-6 CDs. If you are into Cocky Comedy, the fun way of attracting women; you should get hold of all these series and listen to them on your headphones when you go out.
Pandora's Box System by Vin DiCarlo: This system includes video interviews, audio interviews , pdf course files and quizzes. It's pretty advanced and it won't help you unless you have been approaching and picking up women for a few months or years.

Read, reprogram your mind, and when you feel your views have changed; go out and approach women. Fake confidence until you make it. With approaches and pick ups, confidence will come.

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