The BestRP Community and all successors are finally dead.

It is different when the one who is posting the drama is typically the one who is playing devils advocate in the proceeding events to ensure that things remain cancer. He goes beyond protesting and involves himself in it, in some mindset that hes going to be a revolutionary and topple it all over. That was cool when the call was there for it, but that time is long gone. Hes a revolutionary without a cause.

It was also retarded that he once had host level decision making power to prevent the things he decries, but shirks it and pushes the blame of his failure to others. So now, ALL of it is shados blame that it all fell apart for the stuff that was yithani's duty.

Instead, he focused too much on the new catbeast players on how they played compared to his catbeast ideals and lost interest in maintaining staff stability. Cirra (corrected his own behavior and this should be noted) and a few others made working on staff toxic and it caused him to just say fuck it, instead of just removing the worthless pricks from staff.

After he was done with the staff, he refused to just move on. Enlisting the help of a few others, such as Jtdrow (really JT? Did you really have to help expand this dumb fucking shit?) crystal and some i respect enough to not name which decided to send him logs and hearsay. To which yithani went about in a schoolyard fashion and bullied anyone who even vaguely mentioned him. I am sure none of those mentioned wished that on others, but he does as he does.

He then proceeded to bully the server itself, vaguely attacking it in any aspect he could think of, as though he was not even sure what it was he was angry about. He kept giving new reasons why he left. His banning from aphelion was also tied to how in OOC he kept shit talking the server and staff, generally setting himself up to be a martyr. "BAN ME, I WANT YOU TO BAN ME SO I CAN MAKE SOME NOISE!" despite this, the reason he did get banned for, was of questionable judgement from shado. Shado clearly grew a bias against yithani after he antagonized the server and staff. If this was made clear through the process, we may have avoided such a catastrophe. I honestly thought a victory rung true upon yithani's ban, but, the instability of the staff demised it.

Overall, this is not juicy drama. Plenty of the people in the conflict were in the wrong, as was my part in it. Yithani continues to harass everything outside of it with no hint of stopping. He has self destructed his reputation into the ground. I wrote this post more for when someone decides to do some research on the individuals for potential staffing or management so that some mistakes will never be made again.

There you have it, the drama.

/r/SS13 Thread Parent