bf poisoning me?

There is a lot more going on if you check the post and comment history. Besides this he is also really abusive to her in other ways.

I know you want to help him and not leave him. But I think it may be better if you did, because I think that will help him more.

Right now you are accepting everything that is happening because you have empathy towards him, which is always a good thing obviously.

The thing is though, that sometimes people can get very comfortable that way and they will say they are getting help but never going through with it.

The more people that will coddle him and allow him to just rage without consequences, the more it will escalate in a short period of time.

If you really love him, you let him go and work on himself and come back later once he is more stable.

Easier said than done obviously, but sometimes you need to let people go so they can really focus on themselves and their issues.

Question, do you think he is serious about getting help? Is he proactive in going to a doctor or a psychologist? Or does he keep postponing it and are you the one that is pushing him to get help?

Because as we all know, someone needs to want to be helped in order to change, if he is just saying he is going to get help to appease you, think about that.

A lot of people struggle with mental health issues, I just finished six years of therapy because of PTSD.

But if people aren't willing to get help, you should leave them.

Did his parents try to get help for him? If so, did he refuse to take it?

You can't help someone that doesn't want to get help.

Please watch out for yourself. Big hug ❤️

/r/relationship_advice Thread