Big puppy kisses

And if family dogs attacking kids (which isn't commonplace in the first place) in the presence of their parents was at all commonplace

It's like you're illiterate. Stupid, or illiterate. Those are the only options. We're not talking about family dogs. We're talking about a child who has been trained via inappropriate handling of a friendly dog to think that behavior is appropriate with any dog, and then getting hurt by an unfamiliar dog. Because at home, it's totally fine to jam your fingers in the dog's face, and then outside the home, they do the same thing, and get INJURED OR KILLED.

Whether or not something is common doesn't matter! I don't care if only one kid a year in the whole world gets killed by a dog! That doesn't mean you should be okay with toddlers learning to shove their hands in dog's faces!

I cannot wrap my head around why so many people- including parents!- have a problem with the idea of their kids not having dangerous behavior reinforced before they're old enough to understand when it is appropriate.

What about that concept upsets you? Why does it make you mad that someone would not want your stupid piece of shit kid jamming their fingers in an unfamiliar dog's face?

Imagine your kids in any of these situations, and explain to me why the idea of teaching your child how to behave around animals upsets you, you negligent bitch.

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