'Bill Nye Saves the World' - Who the heck is the audience for this?

Many of us know climate change is a big deal. My problem is that it's being used as a political tool to siphon yet more money from the working and middle class whilst the rich continue to pollute on mass with very little being done about it.

Want to make a real difference?

  1. Push towards eco-friendly aeroplanes
  2. Force companies to use greener energy sources
  3. Ban the sale of cars that are not environmentally friendly
  4. Ban the use of cars in densely populated inner cities (will also help combat obesity)

I don't doubt that climate change is being influenced by man, I doubt the motives of the politicians and corporates that keep shoving it down our throats constantly. How can I take them seriously when they tell me to use certain lightbulbs and put my rubbish in multicoloured bins, (used to be done by them by the way before they cut jobs and made us do it for them), when they're sending thousands of planes up into the skies daily, polluting with businesses daily, giving out company cars daily that are often diesel and get limousines down the street on taxpayers expenses instead of walking?

The audacity and cheek of it all is hilarious so they can fuck off. If they seriously care, and it's not just some political stunt to siphon money from those that need it most, why don't they lead by example? That's what we fucking elect them for in the first place.

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