Biweekly career thread for November 25, 2018

  1. <5% of people applying to residencies get them if they’re not a P4 (straight out of school).

  2. Sorry buddy, but PA or MTM is where you start if you have no managed care experience. Matter of fact I would argue that retail pharmacists should have an easier time than hospitalists getting these jobs because they at least do a lot of customer service and submit PAs/deal with insurance problems every day. How calculating vanco trough levels or rounding on ICU patients translates to managed care... good luck spinning that one.

  3. Of course, even if you could talk yourself up you still need to be talking to the right people to begin with. I think the communities in non-traditional pharmacy are much smaller so networking is the only way to get in. If you don’t know anyone in managed care... better start working on that pronto. Chicken or egg scenario, I know, but there’s a reason why the saying goes: “it’s really hard to get in, but once in you’re in.”

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