BLACK EX-MUSLIMS! Experiences of anti-black racism within the ex-Muslim community?

You are a brainwashed savage who lost his history.

Says the Somali. Look at the shit hole you call home. You’re even part of MY Arab League, show some respect, subject.

The Ghassanids you speak off are modern day Arab Christians who are tied with the Greek Christian community now.

Not only. You’ll find families among Maronites also and some other denominations.

The Lakhmids today live in Oman, Iraq and UAE, not Syria.

Where did I ever say they lived in Syria ? I clearly said Iraq.

The people of the Levant today are not the originally Arab tribe but were Caanities, Jews, Assyrians, Byzantine Greeks, Phoenicians etc etc.

Lol First of all, Phoenician and Canaanite is the same thing. Arguably, you could include the Israelites in there. And in any case, they were long dead by the time of the conquests in the ME but a later form of Canaanite was still present in NA in its Punic form. Assyrians weren’t exist anymore by this time (some scholars have doubts about the claims of those who go by this name but this is another issue) Finally, for the Byzantine Greeks, the Levant was controlled by the Byzantine empire but there wasn’t any major Greek population so I’m not sure what they have to do with this.

And nowhere did I say that ancient Levantines were Arab tribes, what I said is that you had Arab populations among Levantines in pre Islamic times. Palmyra is another good example of this.

They were conquered by Arabs and have been completely Arabized.

Arabization was voluntary for the most part and took several centuries to achieve. (because of the prestige of Arabic) The Levant was fully Arabic (If I remember correctly) by the 11-12 th century. Iraq was even quicker. Egypt took even longer and it was until the 15-16 th century.

At least the Berber and the rest of us have a chance to fight off Arab Supremacy.

Yes, do us a favor and just go. You’re assuming that I care about NA or Somalis, I don’t. Save your “culture” for all I care.

I feel for you. Your pre-islamic culture is gone.

You don’t even know what is my background or what is my opinion on this.

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