BLACK EX-MUSLIMS! Experiences of anti-black racism within the ex-Muslim community?

Western Semitic is still part of the Afro-Asiatic language. It aint separate.

You remind me of Kurds who think they are European because their language is considered Indo European. These linguistic groups are so old, it’s simply for you as a Somali unless you’re a linguistic. I still don’t see why you Somali think it’s important to point this out. It would make sense if you compared immediate language neighbours like Aramaic or Arabic because you can actually notice similarities between the two even if you don’t know one of them. (And it’s easier to learn) Arabization is quicker among Semitic speakers, not so much for Berbers.

Don't matter when or where the language was formed. Linguistics have classified them together because these languages and their people history was tied to an orgin.

Language != ethnicity/genetics/anthropology. And these groups existed before there was any Arabs or Somali or anything else. I mean, anyone with eyes can notice this.

Your denial of the history between the two is so much it's hilarious how much you try to dodge it. What's next? Africa and Arabia is not even next to each other? It's all in our head?!

I never said this or said that parts of the world were insulated. I just think it’s quite ridiculous that you think you’re related to Middle Easterns because of a LINGUISTIC classification.

Your opinions are not facts. I get a high rubbing this into you. You can not erase the history between Africa and Arabia.

If you had one ounce of brain you would distant yourself from Arabians.

Arabs are violent hairballs. Stop raping Germans during New Years.

North Africans. This was proved in a report by the German authorities. Nice try though.

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