Black women need to stop caring so much about black men dating white women

I understand their frustration. I’m sure I’ll get down voted to hell, but since this is an unpopular opinion sub, I don’t care. Fuck off if you can’t handle reading an unpopular opinion....

But the black man/white women thing is USUALLY (read that: usually) a fetish. The two cultures USUALLY have little in common, and are only dating as a form of rebellion or to “get back” at the white man. As such, I don’t blame black women for feeling slighted when their men date outside the group. I imagine that would have to present some hurt feelings.

Don’t know how accurate it is, but I’ve heard, based on polls, that black women are the least desired of all women. That’s pretty sad, when even their own men won’t stand up for them.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread