Blizzard: Brigitte nerf coming to PTR, Ana buff in works

Boi were you around since the early days? The multi tank meta where a team had 2 or 3 tanks. It was the reason DVa and Roadhog went through so many changes in the past year. Now that they added Orisa which is another anchor tank, Bliz has been awfully silent about Reinhardt. So far it's been at most an Orisa and an off-tank like Dva, Hog, or Zarya. Why do you think Jeff has been responsive to almost every hero except Rein? I doubt theyre even working on him, since they've hinted on a Symmetra overhaul. Bliz doesnt want more than one anchor tank working properly. I think 3 months of a dive comp meta is nothing compared to the 6-9 months of the multi tank meta after overwatch came out.

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