Blizzard wins $8.5 Million US Lawsuit as Anti-Cheating Lawsuits Ramp Up and TurboHUD goes Down

Fasutype is a troll legend who I famously called out for botting over 1 year ago.

I was never kicked out of a single clan in Diablo :P (Not even DNA)

(I left their after 1 month because they were acting like high school children.)

I was indeed banned from Diablo 3 which you can read about here.

Any actual player who has played with me knows I have never botted or used any 3rd party programs for the game.

Because I had never used a 3rd party program I genuinely had no idea why I was banned, and assumed the most likely cause to be a faulty DLL in OBS.

As it turned out that it was probably the wizard macro I used for farming. It took 20+ phone calls and even more emails just to get this information out of Blizzard.

One of my calls is even posted to Youtube, which you can search for if you're interested.

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