BMI says I'm almost overweight

As the others said, BMI doesn't mean much Why BMI is a big fat scam or BMI? Is This Really an Accurate Way to Monitor Weight? but you look good. But you are right, you do have BDD but not for the reason you said. You have BDD combined with low self-esteem. This entire post lacks any sense of confidence or pride in yourself- and please, I don't at all mean to be saying this harshly to you. When you asked to tell it like it is, I am not worried at all about the way you look. Your body looks perfect and I bet you can rock a swimsuit or bikini. What worries me is that you see this body and are concerned enough to make a post to have people tell you how you look. That's what's worrisome, and that- not your body- is what you need to start working on because mental health is just as important, if not more important, than physical health.

And the key word you said is that you are healthy. Any heart physician will tell you that clogged arteries, diabetes, heart disease, and other seemingly overweight-related problems are not limited to overweight people. I can't give you an offhand percentage, but there are vasts amounts of people who are skinnier than you that are unhealthy because they eat crap but their metabolism doesn't show it on the outside.

BMI doesn't take key measures into account - water weight, body fat percentage, bone density, and physical measurements. But at the end of the day, you look just fine. Make sure your blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and all that other basic blood draw stuff are in the healthy range.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread