Boston Globe reporter AGAIN seeks GamerGate supporters

This is my first post in KiA but this really outrages me. Quick background: I pretty much ignored this conflict for several months because I was having a rough time in my life and medical issues with myself and my family. It wasn't until either January or February that I started investigating it. My first impression was that Gamergate was a bunch of harassers because of the biased articles I was reading, but I always like to hear the other side so I went to the various Youtube videos, blogs, Twitter, etc. of Gamergate supporters. While I still try to be neutral, I can tell you that I am outright appalled at the way Gamergate is portrayed in the media. Among other things, here are a few facts that I was able to thoroughly research myself that are glaringly misconceived by the media: 1) #NotYourShield are NOT a bunch of sockpuppet accounts but are rather a highly diverse group of people outraged by the dismissal of their opinions by Anita Sarkeesian and others in the "Social Justice" movement. It's hard to sum up their "cause," because they each have their own motivations. 2) Brianna Wu has frequently misrepresented facts to her own favor and in some cases, such as the "Gamergate Sarin gas threat," lied whether through incompetence or malicious intent. She has never apologized or taken responsibility for those lies. 3) There is irrefutable evidence that Gamergate members themselves have been harassed, doxxed, threatened, bullied, etc.

I am a nobody. I am just some unemployed guy with a college degree and yet I was able to find all of this out on my own and am convinced by triplechecking my sources that the above (and many other positive aspects of Gamergate and negative aspects of "Social Justice") are indeed facts. And I realize that you don't have a month to thoroughly research everything, but you could at the very least try. Do your damn job.

Secondly, on your point about "representing the other side," The Boston Globe and countless other resources have posted article after article, interview after interview, etc. showing one side only. Don't you think it's time one of you DEDICATED something to the other side? And you offer no explanation for why we should give our names.

This may be too late, but I live in Boston and am kind of neutral on this subject and open to talk to you about it, but you can't use my name.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread