Bouncers of Reddit. Have you ever crossed paths with someone you’ve had to throw out of a club or bar? How was the experience?

Last semester of college in 2016 I worked security for two popular college bars. Had to escort and toss people out frequently. Mostly melodramatic or over intoxicated females. Breaking up fights was easy, full nelson, armbar, wrist locks etc when the guys fighting weren't expecting to be grabbed.

Difficult part was tossing out jocks that were clearly bigger and stronger than me. One evening I was told this frat guy was walking around slapping and grabbing girls' rears. So I approach this guy who looks like he consumes 8k calories to maintain his physique for the football team.

I tell him Tracy is asking for him on the patio. So I walk with him out there and point to the 2 police officers standing there that patrol during the weekends. Another technique, I'd simply ask the person that needed vacating if they wanted to have a cigarette. Of course they did, so I'd smoke one with them and wouldn't let them back in.

Other instances, girls would tell me if I could please stop their friends from making out/going home with a person. That they were not capable of giving consent. Sure, why not. So I'd interrupt the makeout session or stop them momentarily, and tell the gal their friends were concerned. I'd also ask them if they could recite the alphabet, pledge of allegiance or whatever they were studying- I'd quiz them. Then they'd slowly realize they were making a mistake.

It was actually a blast. Wished I had stayed longer.

/r/AskReddit Thread