[Braces for downvotes] Any other gaybros voting in the Republican Primaries coming up?

I think Democrats at least seem to have a more consistent thought process.

You mean like being pro-choice, followed by being against the death penalty?

and I'm also pro-choice, but I'm also for death-penalty. Human autonomy beats all, but democrats are extremely fucked up and corrupted in their own ways.

Liberalism has been ruined from its original view. The reason I'm a libertarian is because it's a neo-classical liberal. John Adams would be considered a Libertarian. I think we need less government control overall, and to give the power BACK to the people. Democrats tend to want the government to solve their problems and that's not how a society will get things done. We are in the age of technology. We no longer need big daddy government to do and hand us everything. Really, we never did. But for some reason, society keeps reaching that way.

Don't get me wrong. I HATE the republican party as a whole, but democrats aren't all that much better. At the very least, democrats recognize science as science and not science as fiction, which I can appreciate.

Just look at the two democratic candidates that are relevant. Both Hillary and Bernie are unfit for president. While I respect Bernie and could vote for him strictly on the basis that he tells the truth, I will likely be voting Gary Johnson.

I won't even with Hillary right now. :D

My biggest problem with the democrats is that they are fiscally stupid.

My biggest problem with republicans is that they are socially stupid.

How to fix? Take the government mostly out of both issues.

Why are there taxes on taxes? If I work and get a paycheck that is taxed, why am I also paying a sales tax? I'll tell you why, too damn much government.

Just my opinion. No disrespect meant.

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