[BREAKING UPDATE] For the first time in years, new details emerge about possible fate of Horizon Lunar Colony

So Hammond looks like a new hero (er, villain), and appears to be the one who instigated the moon colony uprising that Winston fled from. He's a smaller gorilla (maybe even a chimp?), small enough to navigate through the ventilation system. He probably won't be a tank, both because he's small, and because I think having two primate tanks just wouldn't sit well.

So who wants to make baseless gameplay conjecture? Given Winston's intelligence and aptitude for technology, Hammond could probably fill any of the roles available, assuming he's similar. He could be in a battle-suit with weapons and all, but I feel like Blizz would embrace a unique character model, so I'm thinking we'll actually be getting a primate. In games and comics, primate usually means mobility, but Winston already has leap, the Shimadas have wallclimb, and Diddy Kong is the jetpack monkey, so I'm not sure what's left. Sinister weapon technology could include: Lifesteal guns (fan favorite idea, very villainous), aim-and-charge laser beam, simple Monkey-with-a-gun (MonkCree), anti-gravity effect (moon), drones, etc.

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