bro my parents put parental controls on my LIGHTS.

Which is probably why you lost the privilege of controlling your own light switch. The parents set boundaries such as what you can/can’t access on your devices, going so far as to set up a software whitelist, but you exploit their oversight or trust and exceed those boundaries. If you were in bed when you’re supposed to be in bed - you’d have a functional light switch.

I have a 13 year old. I have cameras inside my house and not outside. Why? He refuses to stay out of my bedroom and my closets. He steals small bills. I can ask him to watch Netflix in the living room while the wife and I get a quick meal by ourselves for an hour. Sounds reasonable, yes? No. He’ll get into a absolutely everything looking for god knows what. He doesn’t even know - or plays ignorant.

He has no phone because - just like you - he spent all his time trying to defeat some basic software restrictions. Easy solution - too young to own a phone. Laptop? Same problem. Solution - no laptop. I caught him several times up at night watching TV I’m his room when he should have been sleeping. Solution - donated the TV. My kid actually does live like a prisoner - but it’s entirely his own doing. He refuses to follow basic instructions (e.g. stay out of my bedroom, TV off at bedtime, don’t be an idiot online, etc). He can’t do it so he has zero video games, phones, laptops, or other electronic devices. He’s basically Amish.

/r/teenagers Thread Parent