At least Kevin will be ok based off of the tweet. Honestly, people are going to be outraged one way or another, it's his opinion in the end. In general, I think a 7 is a fair review, as the points he brings up is valid. Do I agree with the tracks he likes? No, I've got some different opinions on what songs I think are good and which ones I don't, but I'm not fantano. Expecting a 10 out of 10 like a lot of you were is unrealistic, I mean, when he's only given 4 10s since 2009, it's a little crazy to expect this, especially after a big switchup with the band.

To Close: The score he gives is not a bad score for Brockhampton, especially off the back of losing one of your members that had a lot of the lines and changed the dynamic of the group.

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