Broke: Digitally self-harming by reading comments about trannies online

LPT for yall right here. My power went out last week and I was having some serious digital self harm withdrawls. I started feeling validated and secure in my own identity by myself, and even hopeful for the future. Not cool I know.

I got desperate for something to put me in my place, so I started going through old photos on my phone. Turns out I have a lot of good material on there. Lots of pics with my family and friends who no longer associate with me cause tran. One of them was from about a decade ago with one of my old buddies. I really thought back then that the happiest days were still ahead of me lmao, if only I could have seen my tranny self crying in the dark at 4 am looking at the smiles on our faces 10 years later knowing ill never feel something like that again. I also went thru a lot of old text convos just to see what it was like when people still talked to me.

You can also download podcasts that feature heavy transphobic content and make a Playlist. I have this one clip of Duncan Trussel shouting on his podcast "TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY" On loop in my music folder, and sometimes I play it on car rides or in the shower to get my fix.

/r/transgendercirclejerk Thread