...and so I broke up with the last remaining member of my narc family

I'm very glad that you were able to put yourself first and cut out the last narciccistic member. Sometimes that's all you can do for your own mental health and sanity, even if it's only temporary. I'm sending you my best wishes.

I think I may be have to do this with one of my siblings in the future. They were the Golden Child, I was the Scapegoat, and while we generally get along fine, there's almost always been that disconnect, and the tension is unshakeable. They're exactly like my narcissistic parent... every time I look at them or speak to them, I feel the exact same way that I did as a child with my NP.

The only things stopping me from cutting them out is that A) It's quite literally impossible right now, and B) If I cut them out, then I'm afraid I'll have to cut out the rest of my entirely innocent family who I love dearly as well, because all but one are still very close to my sibling and don't see what I see at all. Sometimes it's saddening because I really did expect more of my sibling, but I need to stop expecting things of people because I'm only ever met with disappointment.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread