Want to buy Penny Bright's house? She says 'forget it'

Caveat: I know little of the background and a Google brings up recent results and I have hen deteriorates into shite results (+ drunk).

Why does NZ reddit hate this person? I mean most of you admit the media is pretty rabidly biased at times, but as far as I read this is a non violent protest about the lack of transparency of fees paid right? I mean she's not 100% all there but still why should that not be a goal to strive for? If you view it that way then this is the pressure applied by the powerful, which is pretty gross.

I mean she missed the cues to quit early, but no one likes a quitter right? It's a pretty shitty situation for anyone to end up in, y'all don't need to be dicks about it.

/r/newzealand Thread Link - stuff.co.nz