Cadets vs One 95

The amount of time and effort she spend on Candice in order to learn how to cop is quite astonisihng. The lack of experience shows occasionaly, but she's very much on par with Den and and likes, who had previous experience as cops on other servers or public, while she had 0, and she's pretty on RP in general, on top of it, and all the while she had no academy and had to learn everything on the job, which leaves very little room for error. Vale had to teach her how to proccess evidence on the mdw on real time, while processing a gang shooting at the SS, and cath had no choice but to get her to "watch over her shoulder"(her stream) in order to explain how to do it, 'cause Candice didn't even had access to an mdw at the time.

At the same time, she's pretty clear that she values her stream content above all else, since it's her full time job, and has no interest in playing cop simulator, and yet she makes it work rp-wise, by been a pleasant cop that everybody enjoys interacting with. It's pretty impressive

/r/RPClipsGTA Thread Link -