A Call to Arms

A midnight snow had only just began to fall on the quiet plain as Radagast stepped out from the shadow of the trees. He gripped his staff all the tighter as he gazed out on the moon bathed land. He had not wished to make this journey; every fiber of his being urged him stay in the safety of his wood with the birds and beasts he held dear.

But he also knew that the time to remain in secret was shortly coming to a close. The world was changing around him and no amount of magic could stop it. He had heard tale from a pair of ravens that the prior King of the city of Dale had perished, and then from a great red hawk that the Lord Asabiarn had returned to claim the crown. Radagast had met this man but once in the summertime as he traveled to the Misty Mountains, and though he had not conversed with him at length, he sensed a good in him that one hopes every leader to posses. And so it was that Radagast had finally made up his mind to travel to see this Asabiarn once more. "I can offer very little." Radagast had sighed to the hawk who bore the news. "Gandalf is so much better than I at visiting kings and giving advise... But at least I can give him my blessing."

With yet another sigh, the wizard pulled his woollen cloak tighter around his body and continued his journey.

/r/lordoftheringsrp Thread