I called my Mother out today on her bullshit.

This is why you should never get married fellas (unless you REALLY know what you're doing).

Could you imagine having your own kids treated like this, their lives actively sabotaged by a bitch who JUST CANT step into your sons shoes to figure out his needs, thanks to Feminism celebrating solipsism and entitlement? It's not as if their thinking could EVER be wrong because they're beautiful, all knowing women !!!!1111

The thing is, thanks to Feminism, women now almost universally hold the belief that theyre entitled just for being women to a house, car and kids. They don't go to university to get a good job, but for finding a man with a good job who they can fuck the provisioning out of (but with as much provisioning for as few fucks per month as possible, unfortunately for the betas). Gender Studies is actually 'a place holder for women in college while they seek a high value man to snag' and not ' valuable training for the work force' and the expectation is that men should somehow make up for the misogyny done to women by doing all the caring in a relationship, women don't have to care for anyone, that's strong independent wiminz for you! No work ethic OR caring!

Also, theyre now so self obsessed and entitled, they think they don't even have to care for their own children. Child care is a burden to them, best to just get it over with using TV and video games to substitute the back breaking work of giving a fuck about them daily, amirite guys? They don't think they need kids nor have the right attitude for them because of Feminism, but have them anyway because of their inevitable Baby Rabies around their 30th birthday. This leads to the situation you described, OP, where not even a disability like your brothers autism matters to your mother. Feminism says she is more important than all that, so why should she burden herself with those concerns.

Get married to a women in a first world country, chances are very high she has the same toxic beliefs to some degree. It might not be as bad as in this post, but you can be sure she won't put much effort into raising your child anyway because the message of 'you are too important for being a mother' was spread far and wide and taken in by women exposed to the media, which is nearly all of them

/r/TheRedPill Thread