Calling in sick a sign of weakness?

From someone who was pregnant during M4 - please please please take care of yourself and your little one. If you feel that guilty about taking a day off when you are actually sick, what are you going to do in the future when you are 8 months pregnant and utterly exhausted (but not sick) or cramping (but not sick) or in the future when your little one has kept you up all night (but not sick). I know you think it makes you look weak, but trust me when I say that med school rotations are not the priority right now. Be strong for your health and for your little one's health - that's what really matters.

I look back on those days when I powered through an 8 hour surgery without peeing or sitting down at 8 months pregnant... why the hell did I do that? I could have fainted, or become dehydrated, or like... actually peed myself in the OR. What I am really proud of is having balanced everything, taken care of myself, and grown an entire human inside of me while still being a solid med student.

/r/medicalschool Thread