I can barely wait the 4 weeks until I can take my baby girl home!

Hello. This is my adopted rescue Lana. She hates tall men because she was beaten.


I say this because I'm going to point out you and everyone else in this thread trying to shame people into not buying the dog they want are being assholes. If someone gets a dog they don't love they're not going to care for it right and it's going right back to the shelter. Inform people but let them get the dog of their choice. The dog shaming in this thread is hilarious, shameful, and sad.

If you call someone "selfish, lazy, or just don't actually care about animals " and then try to tell them what to do how much do you really think they are going to value your opinion? Or are they going to think you're just some asshole from the internet and go about their day?

/r/aww Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it