Can we eliminate FC problems/drama, /tell arguments, etc. from this subreddit?

I think this sub-reddit gets a bad rap for things that are beyond its control. Let's be realistic here. FFXIV has a ton of people playing it. You're going to get people of all flavors in the game, and thus you're going to get all flavors here, with no shortage of ignorance and immaturity. The moderators are outnumbered in spades in what I consider an insurmountable task that I would not want to take upon myself. We're lucky they still care.

Plus, anybody can sign up on reddit with as many fake accounts as they want to, because the overall site design doesn't require you to identify yourself. Being a random behind a screen removes a lot of incentive for having proper etiquette.

I also think a portion of the owness belongs to SE. Not just because they made the game, but because they made a game that appeals to the lowest common denominator. I know a lot of people who quit because they worked their butts off for things that were later handed out on a silver platter. I still play because I'm still having fun, but the people who strive for world firsts and staying at the bleeding edge are pretty much punished by the developers in subsequent patches, because SE prioritizes keeping new gamers and thus new money coming in vs. taking care of their loyal old schoolers. It's like a band that changes their genre every few years. Their fans get disenchanted.

And again, being realistic, the game itself is poorly moderated by SE. Sure they will respond to complaints, but RMT spam is horrendous. I can't even keep up with my blacklist. So there is this cycle of 'why should I give a rip, because nobody else does' that bleeds out of the game into reddit.

The bottom line is that there are a lot more people screwing around than people who aren't, and this is the result we get.

/r/ffxiv Thread