Can you help me get laid?

It's all a numbers game.

Let's say you go out to a social event every night for the next 7 days and talk to 100 girls. Half them will automatically write you off, and the conversation dies pretty quickly. Maybe they have a boyfriend, maybe they're having a shitty day and don't want to talk to anyone, maybe they're in a hurry, maybe they don't like the way you look.

And out of the 50 girls who stick around to talk, 10 of them stick around long enough to talk to you and they're giving you signs of interest and are actually contributing to the conversation, so you go ahead and get their numbers.

And out of those 10 girls that you decide to text, 5 of them don't respond back.

And out of the 5 girls who respond to your first message, you go on a date with 2 or 3 of them. The other two flake.

/r/seduction Thread