Can we just have a lil corner to talk shit in

Ok first, let's just go back to your original comment in which you said buying a gun for home protection is ironic. It's not. At best, it's a pun based on the loose connection between blowing brains out with a gun. Now if you're trying to say that it's brainless to buy a gun, so therefore calling it a no-brainer is irony, that's still not fucking irony. A more appropriate response if that's your line of thinking would be "Ha, literally," but it's not fucking irony. Seriously, look it up. This is not me having to be right on everything - it's the literal fucking definition of the word. I wasn't trying to even be a dick at first, I was just pointing something out because you used the term irony incorrectly - hell, maybe it could've been a learning experience for you if you took your own advice and just moved on.

Now, you've taken on a new fight with me where you sought out my other posts, and responded to them in argumentative ways within a few minutes of one another. I'm not projecting or making this shit up, I had three comments, all from you, all on different posts left in different areas of this sub all posted around the same time. If you weren't actively seeking out my posts to respond and pick fights, that's one hell of a coincidence, but you can go ahead and deny that all you want.

Based on all of that, you still want to call me names and dissect each of my posts in way that really doesn't prove anything other than providing you the opportunity to get in a series of snide, unrelated remarks and insults in. Yet you claim I'm insufferable and argumentative because I'm defending myself against your attacks, and why are you making me the focus of these attacks? Just because I made a quick comment letting you know that you used irony wrong. Fuck me right? What a complete dick I must be. Totally deserving of all your anger.

This is such a stupid conversation that I'm angry with myself for taking part in it, but jesus christ man, just look up the fucking definition of irony and realize that you got this one wrong. Look at all the time we've both wasted because you decided to blow that whole issue up and take on everything about me personally. What's your end game here? To make me feel like shit (you've clearly been examining my post history so you know I already do, but thanks for piling on) and somehow change the world's interpretation of irony in the process? I honestly don't get your motives here other than just to be mean.

/r/Harmontown Thread Parent