Can Millennials Save the Democratic Party?

Millennials like Jewell Jones that are positioning themselves in State legislatures and City Legislative bodies are going to be very important for this. If we can get a large majority of legislative bodies containing any millennials it will help transform millennial voting for 2020.

(This is all my opinion of course... as a millennial).

It is important that we see our peers doing a job that they are qualified to be doing. It is important that diverse demographics are represented in legislative bodies... it makes better laws.

It is an uphill battle. We have to earn name recognition locally and win elections. Then we have to actually do a good job. We can't be like the mayor of ice town and try to build a winter sports complex.

In short, My peers, and influential adults in my life, feel I am competent enough to hold an elected office NOW. That is why i'm running for Nebraska Legislature in '18 once we finish up these Omaha Municipal elections. I'm helping a kid I went to highschool with run for City Council and things are exciting. Gretna has a 21 year old sitting on their city council.

This, I believe, is a major step in what will decide whether millennials vote or not. If they see their peers representing them, even if it's a state rep in Michigan and they live in Idaho, that will inspire them to be active and vote.

/r/BlueMidterm2018 Thread Link -