Can someone explain how democratic socialism (green new deal, free Medicare and education, increased tax, and other apparent ideas of the Democratic Party) won’t lead to what happened in the USSR or Venezuela or China?

I would heavily argue though, that there has yet to be a communist government.

No because communism is an end goal and path toward it was socialism.And dozens of nations lived in that hell.But you seem to go with "not real socialism" as popular on reddit.

Under communism and socialism, the means of production are owned by the workers. They benefit from the efforts of their labour. If you're only getting meagre rations and have no say in how resources are produced or distributed, you are not living under socialism or communism.

Under paper socialism and communism not in reality.

He was legit culture shocked when he moved here and saw that we were just people doing people things. But that kind of propaganda makes it very easy to force people to queue up for rations and think of it as better than the alternative without questioning WHY there isn't enough to go around—except in government and certain circles

Somehow this Romanian sounds weird as east bloc was not closed off the world and even USSR proper people had an idea how west looked like.Or he was raised in party household and they actually believed that bullshit while they kept the boot on necks of fellow countrymen.

Here's a handy video about all the ways capitalism effing sucks and all the ways people have force fed a false narrative about communism and socialism to the masses.

Ah a propaganda made by some westerner shame that he was not so lucky to be on the other side of iron curtain.|

ust like realising capitalism actually keeps most people down is a hard pill to swallow in the West.

Westerners can't even imagine the horror of east bloc and socialism but you confront actual real world capitalism with paper utopia and not the results of system you call for.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent