Can someone explain to me what pitch haven is?

This is hard to discuss without spoiling. They tend to be some of my favorite SCPs, and are definitely a good example of what people either love or hate about Series 3. More than most, these are tales written out as SCPs via supplementary material. As SCPs they tend to be mediocre, but as a narrative I love them. I enjoy how despite the story going on between these characters, for the Foundation it's really just another day at the job.

You can start anywhere, but 2746 is where I started and I think that gives you a good basis for whats going on.

Ok spoilers time!

This is my interpretation of the SCPs. I could be, and am likely, missing some really key details. [](#s ". More or less there was paradise, and the inhabitants wanted for nothing. Most of the inhabitants are animals, but they are mostly friends. After all no one needs anything. At some point hunger and other realities came to these people. They freaked out, and some of them blamed their creator. A civil war ensues. In the aftermath most everyone is dead, mad, or suffering punishment.

The survivors leave at some point, since there isn't much left. When they leave they gain new bodies and identities. I don't believe they have memories of paradise at all. The main two find their way into the foundation as agents.

The ones being punished also find there way out somehow, but their punishments still hold for the most part. In other cases people who tried to survive the civil war are found, or their creation are found. It's just business as usual for the Foundation, and they are contained just any other anomaly. They aren't particularly dangerous, but a deeper narrative is being constructed via their relations with one another.

We jump in time quite a bit across these SCPs, but the agents die at some point. It's pretty explicit for Sarah, pretty explicitly. For the ever suffering Stuart, I don't believe we know how he dies yet. They are reincarnated by some means and for some reason, which will probably be pretty important when the narrative concludes.")

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