You can’t say merry Christmas because someone has depression

The problem is how opportunistic Marxist cheerleaders promote idiotic ideas to exploit their useful idiots who then follow through and actually end up thinking this way.
These once few useful idiots then multiply exponentially while simultaneously getting trolled by the many online giving the appearance of acceptance and popularity. Not to mention the boys created for that specific purpose as well.

Now insert corporate campaigns eager to jump on the next money making trend, creating niches to market to or appear hip - combined with agenda driven politicians already on payroll through lobbying looking for both votes and control - with our ad driven msm/journalism sponsored by the same corporations/interests - and ALL of a sudden we have governments creating new policy and rules affecting an entire people…over some stupid shit only discussed via a virtual screen and no where else in real life. Because face to face it’s all dumb, yet here we are.

I’m old enough to remember “ok sign satire” gaining traction and its presence elevated to swastika level hate crime by news media, journalists, politicians, and corporations. People actually believed this was a racist thing and some were actually fired over it. Scuba divers everywhere were like wtf? ASL considering changes over it… etc.

The level of stupid followed by trolling is off the charts, but worse are the people who get offended or believe the ideas behind them, and the politicians, corporations, and special interest groups eager to use them to their advantage.

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