I can’t solo queue heals

Hi there! I made the climb from silver to diamond so I understand some of your frustration, but I will say that I started climbing when I started looking at myself and my own play instead of blaming others. I looked at the vod you posted and hope that some of this helps!

Your positioning is pretty good for your rank, but there were a lot of times you died to ults that you could have easily avoided. Be tracking the enemy ults and when you suspect a grav or emp is coming, don’t stand too close to your teammates. Get more of a feel for Mercy’s max beam length so you can stay farther away and avoid those situations! Rewatch your match that you posted and whenever you die, ask yourself how it could have been avoided, where you could have positioned differently, or how you could have used your abilities to not die.

You don’t always need to heal your targets to full health, they just need to be healthy enough to do their job. At 6:02, your team is being pressured on the cart, but instead of healing your dps and Ana, you keep healing the ball when he isn’t in immediate danger. As Mercy, it’s really important to keep ALL of your teammates at an adequate amount of health. This is especially important against characters with high burst damage like Pharah or Junkrat where it’s your job to make sure everyone can survive a random direct hit from them at any given time. A similar situation happens at 10:05. You insist on trying to heal the ball to full hp when you could have been damage boosting your Orisa and dps on the front line.

You valk at a lot of random times and barely ever got any value from it. At 6:42, you valked when you had just lost a teammate and you team wasn’t even ready to initiate a fight. Make sure you have a reason to valk before you press Q. Even if it’s just to secure a somewhat risky rez, that’s still getting more value than just flying around when your team isn’t engaged with anyone.

Your awareness could use a lot of work as well. With Mercy, you need to get as much information about what’s going on and make decisions based on that. There were a few times where your Echo flew up and needed healing or your ball swung in to pile drive and you didn’t notice so you missed out on an opportunity to heal/damage boost and get a better picture of what’s going on. It’s your job to know where everyone on your team is at all times. Even if you can’t heal them or fly to them, knowing where they are is valuable information. This will limit the amount of times that a teammate dies behind you when you could have saved them, or the amount of times that YOU die when you had someone to escape to that you just didn’t realize. When you died at 7:10, you were in front of your entire team and didn’t even turn around once in that team fight to check on your allies behind you or fly to safety. At 13:28 you can clearly see a Genji on your Ana, but you turn around and ignore her. Luckily she won the duel, but a better Genji would have easily killed her there and it would have been your fault.

Another somewhat related topic to awareness is checking the kill feed often. Whenever someone on your team dies, look to see where they’re at. This can give you sooooo much information like if there is a flanker coming or if they are in a position where you can rez them. That’s a good habit to start because you will be punished heavily in higher ranks where players are better and will take advantage of you not paying attention to things like that. Your first rez this entire match was at 7:28. I’m not saying it’s a good idea to go for rezzes willy nilly, but I’m sure there were opportunities to rez that you missed because you didn’t see where your teammates died. At 10:28 watch your team’s health bars on the top of the screen. Your Ana gets hacked and is being attacked by the Sombra and it takes you almost 15 seconds and her dying for you to turn around and realize what’s happening. That’s why keeping tabs on your team is so important. Another huge mistake that costed you the point was not rezzing her when there wasn’t anything pressuring you from doing so. This might be hard to hear, but if anyone was to blame for losing the point, it’s you. At 11:20, your Ana gets staggered after losing the point. You could have easily gone on the stairs to safely rez her and make it a 6v6 fight, but again, you aren’t using Mercy’s utility when you have the chance to.

Now let’s talk about damage boost. Don’t think of damage boost as a way to kill things faster. Start thinking about damage boost as a way for your team to get ultimates faster. Press tab often and prioritize damage boosting people who are close to their ults. In Overwatch, the team with the most ults usually wins, so getting your team as many ults as possible gives you the best chance at winning.

Also, be watching out for certain abilities to damage boost. In this match, you should have been damage boosting Echo when she flew up to get line of sight on the enemy, Ashe dynamite, Roadhog hook, Hanzo storm arrows to break shields, Hammond pile driver, and anyone looking at an Orisa halt to hit the people clumped up. Last thing about damage boost, sit down and learn what can and can’t be boosted. At 12:12 you’re damage boosting a Hanzo ultimate (which doesn’t actually do anything) while your soldier is right in front of you ulting.

So can you get to plat? Sure. Do you deserve to be in plat right now? Honestly, no. I’m not trying to sound malicious, but before you start blaming your friend and your teammates you have a lot to improve on yourself. Like I said, I’ve been where you are, but YOU are the only person that is in all of your matches so the only thing you can control is what you do. Good luck and happy climbing!

/r/OverwatchUniversity Thread