Can we try and curb the amount of hate windows 10 gets on this sub. This is a tech support sub, not a rant about the OS sub.

Then you will know that it took them over a year to fix the problem with VPN dialogs not coming up (specifically so you could disable using the remote gateway for all traffic)

I was not aware of this. What exactly do you mean, that the "use remote gateway" option wasn't there, or that the entire dialog box that allowed editing the VPN properties wasn't available? Was it Windows 10 connecting to any VPN?

I personally haven't experienced any VPN troubles in Windows 10, and I have to set them up and test them on a semi-regular basis. I believe I've successfully connected to RRAS 2008 up to 2012 R2 from Windows 10 (from Pro and Enterprise).

or that you can't install the server managment tools on ANY other image than EN-US (undocumented)

Do you mean the Remote Server Administration Tools? Do you mean that the package itself would only install on US based installs, or do you mean something else? I believe RSAT for Windows 10 was released in August.

and that the DHCP manager simply will not install (documented).

If you mean the DHCP management console (dhcpmgmt.msc) via RSAT, it isn't actually included in the package. So it seems odd to me that you'd be blaming Windows 10 for that. IPAM and NPS also aren't available.

No bugs eh? Sorry.. you were saying?

What was I saying? It certainly wasn't that there were no bugs.

At any rate, even if all the bugs you listed are actual bugs, all this sounds like is a typical selection of things that don't work right on a new OS. You can find bugs in the launches of Windows 2000 all the way through Windows 10. It's not like these things ever launch "bug free". Vista was kind of a travesty at launch, but it did get better.

I grew up with one of their development team leads.

Not that it really matters (nor do you probably even care), but saying "I know a guy who works there" gives me zero reason to believe your words have anything behind them.

/r/Windows10 Thread Parent