Canada - Urban Secession

Thanks for your submission to /r/Canada, unfortunately your post was removed because it does not comply with the following rule(s):

[2] Rabble-rousing:

  • Posts which are intended to only stir up trouble will be removed.

  • We reserve the right to remove any blatantly racist, sexist or antagonistic posts. Posts that contribute nothing but attack others will likely be removed. If you use repeated hate speech or abusive language you may get a temporary ban from the community. Repeated violators will be permanently banned.

Some Guidelines:

  • Don't be rude or hostile. By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us.

  • Don't conduct personal attacks on other users. Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation.

  • Troll. Trolling does not contribute to the conversation.

Please do not bring petty squabbles to us. We're not interested in interjecting ourselves in arguments that you can't win through honest discourse, and we'll be less likely to give weight to what you have to say in the future should it become a pattern.

TL;DR: You stay classy, /r/Canada. Don't cause trouble, don't be rude. We will remove posts which do and are.

If you believe a mistake was made please feel free to message the moderators, including a link to the removed post.

You can view a complete set of our rules by visiting the rules page on the wiki.

/r/canada Thread Parent