Canada to consider eliminating gender from birth certificates in response to complaints from the Trans Alliance Society and other transgender individuals: "We need to stop acting as if doctors can tell the sex of a baby just by looking at the baby’s genitals."

*Edit: You can down vote all you want, but qwertward was wrong in its use of the word gender.

Care to explain how? Because I'm 100% correct. I'll even do the work and show you;

gender: the state of being male or female

sex: the state of being male or female

What you're trying and horribly failing to even try to explain is gender identity. Not gender. They're very different. SJWs such as yourself have tried to force them to be the same because they want to be special without having to put forth the effort to actually be special. Gender identity doesn't even fucking work. Gender = {male | female}, it's simply qualifying whatever identity there is with male or female. Are you a helicopter? Well, you're either a male helicopter or female helicopter.

There isn't a third gender, there are only two genders. Trans isn't even a gender. It describes a condition. Before you get all boohooey about the word condition - fuck off. Having brown hair is a condition of hair type. A condition isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's just that - a thing. The moment prior to writing this sentence I had 5 fingers on my keyboard - all right handed fingers. That's a condition of my state of being at that moment in time. Need I go on?

Why are definitions so hard for SJWs? They're really not so complicated. The hard ones are often incredibly stupid in why they're hard and have some amount of overlap with a different yet often extremely similar word. further and farther. Know the difference? effect and affect... This one's weird because it's a pair that fits the former but they don't meet the latter at all: coincidence and irony.

I'd go on said topic but this is already novel length and it's so fucking weird seeing you spout this shit.

I'll end with this. What are the other genders aside from male and female? I'd like an exhaustive list of them and a list of definable characteristics of each defining said genders. Also pronouns. Give the pronouns as well.

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