No, concern trolls, we are not SJWs.

The world isn't divided into SJW and r/sjwhate. This kind of reductionism doesn't work. Both are in the far reaches of this web, at opposite ends of the spectrum, as it were, of views, beliefs, ideologies, opinions, whatever. Those in the middle are just standing around WTFing at both sides, because getting angry and creating safe spaces where other views aren't welcome and just jerking each other off all the time isn't healthy or productive. There's a lot of straw men and veeery vague language and bad logic and bad hyperbole coming from both sides. (For instance, your description of SJWs. That doesn't describe anyone I've ever met, and I'm going to guess that it doesn't actually describe anyone you've ever met. And beyond that, why do you think they always lie? Who are you actually referring to? What actually defines an SJW? Anyone who cares about social issues or leans left in their political ideology?)

See, to the %99.999 of us who aren't SJWs and aren't hating on SJWs, your rhetoric and that of SJWs, means precicely nothing. To us, both communities are simply hateful, vague, poorly thought out, nonsensical echo chambers of bad use of language. And, that neither group is inviting or willing to participate in rational, civil discourse is exactly the reason why they're both stuck circle jerking. Because to us who aren't "in on it", so to speak, it's not helpful. It doesn't serve us, or our society, or the communities we're trying to improve. When it comes down to it, you're all fat ugly nerds who enjoy getting angry and arguing about nothing on the internet. Two sides of the same ugly coin.

So. Yeah. Just some pre-sleep rambling on why you're compared.

/r/sjwhate Thread