Cannabis for hyperhidrosis

Really interesting to read that some people with hyperhidrosis stop sweating after smoking...amazing, actually. Tends not to have that effect on me, but I sweat very severely (palmo-plantar/axillary) pretty much all the time. I have insomnia and wake up in cold sweats, almost every night. I commiserate with you, OP, it's a pretty gnarly thing to have to deal with on a constant, daily basis. Weed basically helps me feel like I have a little more control over my body, and my psychological reactions to the screwy things it does, than I would, otherwise. If I'm wearing socks/shoes, I don't have a chance of not sweating, no matter how sober or intoxicated I am.

For what it's worth, the anger will subside as you grow older and learn how to cope with the sweating better, both physically and mentally. Swim through, not over. Good luck, frient.

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