Cannabis should be legalised - it's more than clear

Less violent? Thanks to Christianity which teaches people to live well amongst each other over hundreds of years. More educated? Obviously, as the world goes on we learn more. On the other hand, if most of society chose to ignore what is happening then I'd hardly call that educated. More brainwashed.

Healthier? Yet almost everyone poisons their body with alcohol frequently, promotes drug use all the time. Cancer rates have never been higher. Everything is full of chemicals, food, clothing, consumer products, we'll see the bad health effects in the future. No wonder the NHS is struggling.

Tolerance is also due to Christianity, that's the main thing it teaches. As for technological advancements, obviously that happens with time, and is nothing to do with people's values.

It is my honest opinion that western Europe is being destroyed by a higher power. All the good things that have been created, are being taken away. The birth rate for white people is below replacement level so our population is declining. While, millions of thirdworlders are invited to live here. The media attacks any kind of healthiness or decency, it is purposeful. We can't complain about this clever form of genocide when we are so weak ourselves. There's a reason why Islam is the world's biggest religion, they don't give in to this idiocy.

Western media makes men weaker through excessive alcohol consumption, pornography, drug usage, immaturity. Every single film features all of these things today. Not only that, but mixed-race relationships and a single lifestyle too. Instead, they should be focusing on things which are important in life like family and community. Men cannot complain about feminism when they should look at themselves first.

You will see shortly in the future providing you're young what's going to happen.

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