What are some good online jobs for college students?

Hello, similar situation here. Some of these things I have tried and some of them worked for example, selling things on ebay/ buying things from ebay and selling them around campus. I once bought tasers in a bundle and sold them in campus with a markup. I would sell books that where no longer needed by friends and charged a commission. Mostly I would recommend finding something you like to do and finding a way to provide a solution to a problem with that hobby of yours. Mine was, like I said, I saw the problem of insecurity, so I find it relaxing to bid on auctions after researching what I would like to spend and try to beat the "market price". To this day I get goose bumps when I bid on a item for a excellent price and win it with as little money as possible and then think of ways I could re-sell it and make a small fortune. Mostly beer money though. In your scenario though, think of some extra ways to generate income, however the real trick is to budget yourself. With the budgeting you can allocate fund to pay your tuition and still have "fun money" left over. Hope this helps.

/r/personalfinance Thread