"I cant help be homophobic it's just how I was raised" = I'm a grown ass Adult who is incapable of critical thinking Skills.

Thats pretty harsh. Have you ever read that many children grow up to be the same as their parents or guardians? Im not saying its ok to be homophobic, the opposite actually, i support the lgbt+ community very much but its not always black and white with these situations.

For example i know some people that are homophobic and i talked to them why they think like that and many of them were just raised to be homophobic and when i asked them, why they even care, they mostly say its not natural and all.

Idk. Im not excusing homophobia because i want them to be able to life their lifes but there are always people that have this ingrained into their head no matter what you tell them or show them.

I dont want to offend anyone thats just my opinion.

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